WHo are we?
We are a friendly community of people made up from all ages and backgrounds who are committed to living with Jesus as Lord.
We know that we don’t live up to God’s holy standards and so need his forgiveness and grace. We are passionate about learning together from the bible about what it means to live with Jesus as Lord and encouraging each another in living that learning out.
We love our town and want to see Stockport flourish. We believe that the most effective way for this to happen is for the people of Stockport to hear who Jesus is, what he has done and to come to understand why that is extraordinary news for them. As such we are keen to welcome anyone to join with us as we seek to make Jesus, his cross and resurrection and his teaching clear and relevant to all people.

Matt Thompson
Matt is responsible for vision setting, mission and planting strategy as well as teaching and pastoring the church community.
Matt is married to Lil and they have 2 children. Matt trained at Oak Hill Theological College.
Matt enjoys watching sport, especially his beloved Sheffield Wednesday. And can often be found dreaming up new ideas and strategies.

Jon Cawsey
Whilst Jon attended church as a child, he first came to understand the good news about Jesus at 16 and now, nearly 30 years later, he would still describe himself as a work in progress. Jon is from Stockport and has lived here for most of his life with brief spells in both Sheffield and London. Jon lives with his wife, Kerry and their two daughters. As Associate Minister, Jon is responsible for the day-to-day running of the church including teaching and pastoring the church community. Jon trained on the job with Union School of Theology. In his spare time, Jon enjoys listening to music, playing cricket, and following Manchester City (from his armchair).
Leadership Council

CHurch Warden/WeLcome Team
Alasdair Weir
Alasdair grew up being taken to church by his family and was 7 years old when he believed in Jesus for himself. In 2014, he and his wife Hazel moved from London to Stockport. They now have 2 children and Alasdair is a solicitor working in a large law firm that advises businesses. Alasdair oversees our welcome ministry, introducing and integrating people into the life of the church. He loves that church is a group of people with many differences who, because of God’s love for them, can love one another. In his spare time, Alasdair is trying to improve at tennis, potentially hiking and reading, or watching a gritty TV show of some kind!

Michelle Hill
Michelle became a Christian when she was 16, after responding at an ‘Alternative to Halloween’ outreach event put on by a local church. Michelle is from Stockport and has lived here for most of her life. She lives with her husband Alex, their 2 teenage children, 3 chickens, 2 guinea pigs and 5 fish! Michelle is the Chief Executive of a national relationships charity. Michelle is passionate about using our finances to be able to provide a space where people can find out about who Jesus is and create a church environment where all are welcomed and loved. In her spare time Michelle loves spending time with family and friends, going camping and exploring new places!

Women's Ministry
Grace Raven
Grace grew up going to church but didn’t make Jesus her Lord until she left home in 2008. Grace, her husband Nick, and their three children moved to Stockport in the summer of 2021 – they have had fun getting to know this new town and making it home. As well as being at home with her kids and their mad cat Scout, Grace works as a Publications Manager. Grace loves seeing women grow in confidence in their God-given identity and knowing His love and using His word to shape their lives. She loves bringing women together to grow in their love for Jesus and watching the women of Christ Church Stockport support each other. Grace relaxes by reading, doing an arrowword, drinking coffee, having a potter in the garden, eating yummy food and going on nice walks.

Children's TEAM
Jane Robinson
Jane grew up hearing the Gospel shared regularly and, in her teens, began to have a personal relationship with her saviour Jesus. Since then, knowing Christ has transformed her life in every possible way. Jane moved to Stockport to be a part of Christ Church Stockport at the very end of 2018 with her husband, Luke. Jane spends her time looking after her little one, having fun and making memories, as well as creating and making (from home renos to hand sewing!) when she gets the chance and walks in the great outdoors. Jane is excited to open God’s word with young kids and talk through big Bible truths together as there’s nothing more compelling than seeing the young kids explore, understand, and seek Jesus for themselves.

Youth Team
Bekah Rowe
Bekah was brought up in a supportive Christian home, surrounded by people who time and time again have pointed her back to her ever-faithful saviour. She made the move from her hometown Sheffield to Stockport in 2018. After a Covid wedding, Bekah and her husband Elliot joined Christ Church Stockport in 2020. Bekah studied Psychology with Counselling and Psychotherapy in Manchester before taking on the role of Youth and Children’s Minister at Christ Church Stockport. Bekah loves seeing young people falling deeper in love with their saviour Jesus and seeing God’s word change their lives. In her spare time Bekah loves: kicking back to watch some trashy TV, talking to anyone who’ll talk back, listening to Taylor Swift or maybe going for a run (maybe).
Synod Representative

Synod representative
Rebecca Ness
Rebecca grew up in a Christian home and really grew in her faith once she was at university. She moved to Stockport for a job 10 years ago and lives with her husband Alasdair and their three kids and works as a part-time Structural Engineer. Rebecca sees the importance of planning for the future and putting structures in place for the growth and strengthening of AMiE. She enjoys hearing from the various churches and being reminded that we’re part of a larger church network, as well as representing Christ Church Stockport. In her spare time Rebecca likes walking, board gaming, drawing and a spot of knitting/crochet.
Growth Team Leaders

Edgeley Growth Team Leader
Luke Robinson
Luke grew up with godly parents and became a Christian when he was a young boy. Ever since, he has held Christ Jesus as Lord of his life. Luke and his wife Jane moved to Stockport in 2018 to become a part of Christ Church Stockport. Luke is dad to his son, and is an Insulation and Workshop Operative. In his spare time likes to watch a good movie or spend time outside in nature. As one of our Growth Team leaders, Luke really enjoys seeing people mature in their faith, growing more in love with Christ as they do.

Heatons Growth Team Leader
Tom Dally
Tom grew up going to church but trusted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour whilst at university in Sheffield. Tom and his wife Izzy joined Christ Church Stockport in the summer of 2021, and are hoping to move into Stockport Town in 2024… watch this space! Tom works for Glod Holidays, running Christian Camps but in his spare time you’ll find him watching or playing sport, as well as getting into a good film or TV series! Tom is excited to see how God uses the chats we have in Growth Teams, as we look at the Bible, to help us love him and other people more in all our different life stages and circumstances.

Andy Swindley
Andy describes himself as a dirty, rotten, sinful person saved by Jesus! He moved to Stockport 10 years ago to marry his beautiful wife, Jane. They’ve stuck around and now have three kids. Andy is a plumber and gas engineer and runs his own business. He really enjoys being with people and seeing what motivates them. He loves encouraging others to live for Jesus, loving others how Jesus does. Growth Teams are a great place for this to be worked out together. He’s most relaxed when he’s around people, trying to help them practically (with a cup of tea and biscuits close by)!

Davenport Growth Team Leader
Jon Cawsey
Jon is responsible for leading the Davenport Growth Team which meets on a Thursday.

Pete Jackson
Pete is the Senior Minister of Christ Church Walkley, Sheffield and the Chair of the Christ Church Stockport Trust. Pete is married to Claire and they have two boys, Noah and Seth. Pete loves cricket, music, and Yorkshire.

External TRUSTEE
Catriona Senior
Cat lives in Sheffield and is a committee member of the Northern Women’s Convention and Co-Host of the Plumb Line Podcast.

Internal Trustee
Nick Raven
Nick was baptised as a child and brought up in a Christian home and began intentionally walking with Jesus in his late teens. Nick and his family moved to Stockport in 2021 to be closer to family and for Nick’s job, teaching Religion and Philosophy at a secondary school in Manchester. Being a Trustee of Christ Church Stockport allows Nick to support Matt and Jon and help facilitate the health and flourishing of the church as a whole. He lives with his wife, Grace, and their three children. He spends his free time reading, watching sport and browsing for wristwatches that he will never buy.

Internal Trustee
Michelle Hill
Michelle became a Christian when she was 16, after responding at an ‘Alternative to Halloween’ outreach event put on by a local church. Michelle is from Stockport and has lived here for most of her life. She lives with her husband Alex, their 2 teenage children, 3 chickens, 2 guinea pigs and 5 fish! Michelle is the Chief Executive of a national relationships charity. Michelle is passionate about using our finances to be able to provide a space where people can find out about who Jesus is and create a church environment where all are welcomed and loved. In her spare time Michelle loves spending time with family and friends, going camping and exploring new places!

Andy Lines
Andy is the AMiE Bishop who is responsible for AMiE ministers across the UK and Western Europe.

Lee McMunn
Lee is one of the AMiE Assistant Bishops. Lee is specifically responsible for providing pastoral oversight to Christ Church Stockport.