You’re moving to or in Stockport or South Manchester
Maybe you already go to Church and you are moving to the area – if so we would love to welcome you to Stockport and help you get plugged into a church community. Equally if you are moving within Stockport and looking for a church we’d be happy to hear from you.
You’re thinking about going back to church
Perhaps you used to go to church or Sunday School and have been thinking about reconnecting with Christianity – if so you would be very welcome to rejoin us at a pace that works for you so that you could see what you have been missing. Our regular Christianity Explored courses might a great first step, click here for more details.
You’re considering Christianity
Maybe you have never stepped foot inside a church but you are thinking about the big questions of life and have begun to wonder if there is more to life than simply going through the motions. Perhaps you have big questions you would like answering – again we’d like to meet you and talk through your questions. Church is a great place to safely engage with the meaning of life.
You’re cynical about Christianity
Perhaps you think Christians and going to church is just crazy, irrational, a waste of time – in our experience most people who think this have never actually taken the time to look into Christianity or go to church. If that is you then why not come and find out what we are really about, rather than the caricature – perhaps we can challenge your misconceptions – or maybe we can’t – but either way, what have you got to lose?